Hawkeye Home Inspectionsication/x-shockwave-flash" width="802" height="161"> 524 E Elm Loop, Gervais, Oregon 97026 ...........................(503) 341-3522 ........ .......................hawkeyeoregon@gmail.com

Infrared Thermography - An Important Part of Our Inspection Process

Chris Bernhardt
Chris Bernhardt
Certified Home Inspector

Oregon Certified Home Inspector #265

10yrs experience, over 3000 full home inspections performed

Associate member of the American Society of Home Inspectors (ASHI)

Member Oregon Association of Home Inspectors (OAHI)

Member Northwest Home Inspectors Association (NHIA)

Infrared thermography is an important part of our inspection process. Along with the use of moisture meters & hygrometers these tools help us diagnose moisture problems in a home particularly problems relating to mold. Infrared thermography can also be used to identify problems in the thermal envelope of the home; for example, missing or mis-installed insulation and air leaks between the interior and exterior of the home or in the HVAC distribution system. And infrared thermography can also be used to identify electrical problems such as overheating connections or components in the homes electrical system.

Moisture in Ceiling Missing Insulation Moisture in Wall
Moisture by Toilet Verfication of Radiant Heat Energy Loss


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